Museum 75th Anniversary

Monday, October 23, 2017

Wayne County Historical Society 
75th Anniversary

1890 Wayne County Courthouse

Establishment of Wayne County Historical Society

The Wayne County Historical Society had its origin 75 years ago on August 7, 1942 at a meeting of 15 persons in Corydon called by W. H. Burton and Roy Grimes. Both men were working in the Wayne  County Engineer’s office at that time.   They had observed that the people who had experienced the early pioneer days of Wayne County were dwindling and soon this source of knowledge would be gone.  They both felt the necessity to establish an historical society to preserve written and published materials and artifacts of those early years in Wayne County.

      The Articles of Incorporation were signed by: Roy Grimes, Gene Poston, Harry Hibbs, A.T. Dotts, Grant Kelley, N.C. Rew, Rosa Lee Snyder, Calvin Lammers, Charles Elmore and Lola Cherry.  The following day, Corydon’s Old Settlers Celebration, the organization had its first display and signed up 74 charter members.